Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Very Verde Salsa = Fresh Tangy Salsa in Minutes That's Sure To Be A New Fave!

If you have never bought a tomatillo you are missing out!  Tomatillos are those small green tomato looking things in the produce section with the funny papery skins.  They are inexpensive, super tangy and after a quick swim in some boiling water they make the most AMAZING salsa.  My best friend shared this recipe with me last summer and after a few small tweaks to suit our tastes I now have my entire family hooked on the green goodness. Don't get me wrong I am a traditional red salsa girl through and through, but this is a great addition to your salsa options.  This Verde Salsa is different from "regular" tomato salsa, but still so satisfying :)
To make this you need:
2 lbs tomatillos
1 bunch cilantro
2-4 serrano peppers
4-6 cloves of garlic
1 chicken bouillon cube (or 1 tsp bouillon base)
juice of 1 lime
First peel off the outer husk of the tomatillos and drop them into a large pot and bring the water to a boil.
As the water heats up you will see the color start to change from a bright green to a darker olive color.
Give them a stir to make sure all of the tomatillos are in the hot water and in just a few minutes they will completely change color and that's when you know they are done.
Take them off the heat and drain the water.  
While the tomatillos are cooling, wash and then tear off the top of the cilantro bunch and throw it along with the garlic, bouillon cube, serrano peppers and some salt and pepper into a blender or food processor.  We really like garlic so I go heavy on that and we like spice but be careful with the serranos... they may look like the jalapeno's wimpy cousin but that is the furthest thing from the truth.. they are smokin' hot.  Start with 2 and then add more later if you like... 2 is perfect for us. 
The salt and pepper is just to taste... add a little now and you can always add more at the end.
Now just pour the drained tomatillos right on top and blend.  Don't worry if the tomatillos are still hot it will have plenty of time to cool off once everything is combined.
This is what it should look like... yummy huh?? Almost done I promise :)
Finally add the juice of one lime and any additional salt, pepper or serrano's if you dare :)
Give it one last quick pulse and you are done.
Grab some chips and enjoy.  Heck this stuff is so good I would probably eat shoe leather if it was covered in this :)  
I often can this and give it as gifts, but trust me if you are just making a single batch there will be no need for preserving... it won't last long enough!  If this is in my fridge it NEVER stays there long :)

Enjoy :)  Lindsey

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