Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween From My Sugar Induced Coma!

I know it is a time honored tradition for parents to raid their kids Halloween candy, but I am embarrassed to say that I may have O.D.'d on it!  I was so proud of myself for staying away from the junk and candy, avoiding the Halloween candy aisle at the grocery store at all costs... and I was actually doing it! Since we live in what I affectionately call the "boonies".. I knew we would have no "trick-or-treaters" so I didn't buy a single bag of candy.  Out of sight out of mind, right? It was totally working, then Friday came!  I took the kids an amazing "Trunk-or-Treat" event, but my kids didn't get some candy they hit the motherload.. even my 11 month old who was holding a basket just for looks ended up with enough sugar to keep a Kindergarten class bouncing off the walls for an entire month!  But surprisingly my little guy was content with picking a few pieces and putting the rest away.. what a guy, huh? His mom however.... showed little restraint!  Once my little Monkey and Ladybug were in bed... I totally raided the stash and have not stepped away from the basket since! Don't judge the trail of empty wrappers, that's so someone can find me once I pass out from this sugar high :) The really bad news is now that the actual holiday is here, I'm in desperate need of a Halloween candy detox and I still have to suffer through one more day!  So to all you candy junkies out there... I feel your pain... my pants can't handle another day of sugar!  Here's to hoping next year I can muster at least a small amount of willpower and regain my dignity!


Have a safe and Happy Halloween! Lindsey :)

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