
Friday, September 20, 2013

Dining Room Chair Re-Do

I love my farmhouse table and bench (tutorial here) but I've been wanting to add a  few more chairs for awhile now. My husband really wanted captains chairs for the ends of the table (something with arm rests), but I had trouble finding just the right fit so when I found these heavy, solid wood chairs at a thrift store we compromised because these were just too cool to pass up.  The story was they came as part of a large bunch of furniture from an estate and I happened to walk in just was they were being set out for sale... score one for me!!!  I love it when that happens!!!

The floral tapestry seats were not my style, but the rest of the chair was in great shape and had tons of really cool character.

And the best part... after a discount they were $12 a piece, so naturally I bought all four.

After taking out the four corner screws underneath the seat, I popped off the cushion, gave everything a wipe down, lightly sanded a few nicks and dings and then spray painted the entire chair with flat black paint. 

Then with a little sand paper I rubbed it along the edges and along the scroll details to lightly distress the wood.

Then a coat of dark Annie Sloan wax, I know I've said this before but this step is really worth the small amount of time it takes to apply.  This wax is amazing and really finishes a project, I ALWAYS use it!

I also love how flat black turns out on wood, especially if you plan to distress it.  To me something really shiny even if it's distressed just doesn't have that old rustic look I love, but that's just my option paint whatever color and sheen you LOVE.

Now for the seat.  For the first one I sat for what seemed like forever with plyers and a flat screwdriver and pulled out every single darn (I would rather use a not so lady like term here) staple on the underside of the seat, it felt like a death sentence and I immediately began questioning my plan to do four chair... maybe one would be good enough??? Not willing to give in to my lazy half, I figured instead I would find a way to work smarter not harder and as you can see by the seats towards to bottom of the stack, instead of taking out the staples I used an exacto knife to cut right up next to those staple, removing the fabric without messing with those awful staples. The little strip of the previous fabric and the one million staples will be under the seat and no one will see it... so don't tell, deal?? :)

For my new seats I chose the always affordable and my go to fabric, canvas drop cloth.  For less than ten bucks at Walmart in the paint section you can get a huge drop cloth and have enough for several projects.  I love that is has the rustic look of burlap without the messy fuzz or scratchy feel. 

To attach I cut four squares larger than the seat, set each seat on the square upside down and using a staple gun and pulling tightly I stapled the down the two opposite sides leaving the corners free, turned and tacked down the two other sides then went back and carefully tucked and folded the corners and stapled them in place as well.  I'm no upholstery expert I just pull and tuck until it looks smooth.

To finish flip the cushion back over, set it on the now dry chair and tighten the corner screws.

I love how they turned out!

I put one at each end of the table to go with my other flat black distressed chairs and DIY wood bench and then left the other two alongside my buffet that I painted green last year and adore (tutorial here).  It's easy access if we need extra seating or if I get a wild hair and want to move the bench and just use chairs.  You never know when I girl might just need a change.

It was such a simple, inexpensive project and I hope it inspires you to tackle a project of your own.


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