
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Here Goes Nothin'

I've been thinking about joining the "blogging world" for quite awhile now, but kept coming up with every reason imaginable why I shouldn't do it! Like.. no one will read it, why bother? What do I really have original to say or show anyone? But then I decided SO WHAT! If only my mom reads my rambling and sees the latest crazy project I've taken on.. even the ones I shouldn't! Then that's o.k.! Hi Mom! So here's to letting the creative juices flow... in between sippy cup refills,  potty training (maybe less on the first one would help that ???) and two year old tantrums!
     To properly introduce myself... I am a "no longer in my 20's" mother, wife and style junkie who has expensive tastes now on a thrift store budget.  And that my friends is where out of necessity my "craftiness" was born! "Rambo", my amazing husband (no his name is neither Sly nor Stallone but it fits so it stuck), puts up with my "ideas" and many projects as long as I leave him alone on Saturdays.. and I mean ALL DAY Saturday during college football season.  He is totally addicted but he's a keeper and that one little "flaw" I can look passed.  Very big of me don't you think??? We have two marvelous munchkins! Our two year old boy is a character to say the least, if your not falling over laughing from the latest thing coming out of his mouth your falling over the debris he leaves in his wake!  And we completed our family recently with a beautiful little girl! Pretty lucky huh? I got the perfect pair! ""  Sassy""   is all smiles, she almost makes you want to have ten more kids... I said ALMOST! I'm convinced she will turn out to be the biggest tomboy and dread the day I pull out all the photos of her in tutus and ridiculously big flower headbands! But I can't help myself, accessorizing especially this little one, is my crack and I have no desire to go to rehab! So no apologies here, just saving now for her future therapy!
     As for my style it's safe to say it's sort of all over the place. Being a small town cowgirl from the west coast who grew up and moved to the east coast to become a successful television reporter then moved back west to raise her family.... I have a lot of inspirations and I like to keep things interesting. But I must admit in my "old age" I have a new found love and appreciation for all things handmade and the work that goes into them.
     I guess that is where the "Glimmer & Grit" idea came from. I am a girl who loves to get dressed up and make pretty things, but I also am not afraid to roll up my sleeves and get dirty, especially if the end result is something fabulous.  Plus, I like the word GRIT it makes me think of tenacity. My life has taken many turns and twists to get where I am today and it's a really great place, but like most people I'm still muddling through trying to figure it all out. How to be the best, wife, mother, daughter, sister, best friend and person that I can be? I'm open to your wisdom, and suggestion dear followers!  Because some days I succeed, some I fail miserably, but I have always believed I can do whatever it is that I set my mind to! Maybe you too can relate???
     If stopping by my little spot here in "blogland" inspires you to try a "diy" project that you didn't think you could, makes you laugh after reading about one of the many priceless moments that happen in my crazy household, or you just plain stumble on here somehow.. I'm thrilled and send you my many humble thanks! I figure if this girl can give something new a try ANYONE can! So here goes nothing! Look out blog world, "Here I Come!"

Be Back Soon, 
Lindsey ~


  1. Hi Lindsey, Linda Roberts told me about your blog. I work with BJ and Linda at the school. You have made two wonderful things so far and I can't wait to see what you do next. I too am new to blogging and find it quite relaxing to do. I am also addicted to Pinterest.. I wish you the best and congrats on your new blog!

  2. Yes your momma is reading and is very proud!! Who would have ever imagined the child who whinned when she was forced to unload the dishwasher would become the domestic goddess we are seeing here. I always told you motherhood would change you. Now you know.
