
Monday, September 2, 2013

Homemade Frozen Cookie Dough

First, thank you to those who have hung with me and this little blog this summer despite my lack of posts.  I promise I have been busy with projects!  The ever present streak of paint in my hair and on every piece of clothing I own is proof, but after the sanding, painting, messing and wrestling the kiddos, actually blogging about it at the end of the day loses out to sleep every time.  But as a thank you and a promise that there are some good projects coming, I thought we should indulge our sweet tooth.  I mean there is never a reason not to do that right???

This is no ground breaking idea, but it is one that I never thought to do until a friend recommended it to me and I am hooked.  In our house chocolate chip cookies are king!!!  They are my hubbies favorite and he seems to always request them at the most random times when that is the last thing I want to do.  So when my friend told me she makes a big batch freezes them in pre-measured balls and then always has them on hand I thought... GENIUS!!! 

So I did just that, I usually use the basic cookie recipe on the back of the toll-house bag plus lots of extra vanilla, but use any recipe you like.  Then use a cookie scoop and portion our your cookies on a sheet tray, packing them in as tightly as possible without touching.  Then slide this bad boy into the freezer for a few hours so that the dough starts to freeze in the ball then when you transfer them to zip lock freezer bags they won't stick together.

Finally, put this bag of goodness far back in the freezer, hidden from view so no one finds your stash.  Then when your husband wants cookies at 10:30 at night, or your get an intense NEED for chocolate (basically every day in my word) all you have to do is turn on your oven pop a few on a baking sheet, add a couple minutes to your normal baking time and presto you have fresh, delicious, hot, homemade cookies without the dirty dishes.

Another plus, if you only make a few at a time you aren't tempted to eat half a dozen in one sitting like me... on the other hand that oven does re-heat pretty quickly if you decide you NEED just a few more :)


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