
Monday, August 20, 2012

Dollar Store Doily Stenciled Stool

I hate to admit it but I have a rather odd fascination with the dollar store.  I don't go there often, but when I do I ALWAYS end up walking out with a basket full of things I don't need just because it was a buck!!!  I know that most of the stuff in there is junk and probably covered in lead based Chinese paint, but the smart marketing strategies of those stores totally works on this weak willed woman :)  I've even come across several bloggers that create some pretty impressive things using only dollar store materials so this week I am trying my hand with the frugal finds and this is the first thing I came up with.  My inspiration was a lace painted chair I saw on pinterest, I loved the idea of using the lace as a natural stencil but I thought there might be an even easier way to get a similar effect.. use paper doily's instead! 
Also, instead of a chair I decided to use this stool I already had.  I picked it up at a yard sale last year for $4 with the intention of fixing it up, but thanks to other projects and my ever present procrastination it has stayed in this shabby state ever since.  I use it at my sewing table and am glad it is finally getting a much needed makeover.
After wiping the stool clean I took three doily's.. two oval and one round and placed them around the seat in no particular order.  I just moved them around until I got the look I wanted and then folded the bottom half under a little making a slight crease to help them stay in place.
Now for the paint.  I chose a flat black for this project but any color would be fun.  I carefully used one hand to press down on the fold in the doily and then sprayed several light coats of paint over the paper until all the wood was covered.  Then I painted the legs of the chair as well. 
Next, carefully remove the doily while the paint is still wet.  Be sure to lift straight up so you don't smear or smudge the paint.
Next I used sandpaper to distress the seat.  Just run the paper along the edge of the seat and lightly across the top where it would naturally wear over time.
This not only gives the stool a great antique, lived in look but it will also help hide and spots where the paint was a little heavier than others.  If you've followed any of my projects you know I am always looking for ways to "hide" my inevitable uh-ohs and this works great!

This turned out so cute I don't know why you would waste lace, just use these great dollar store finds and toss them when you're done.  Plus for your dollar you get several so you'll have plenty left other for other projects.  

Hope you like it.


  1. That is adorable! I have a TV tray I'm going to use this technique on- thanks!

  2. Gorgeous. What a great makeover.

  3. I'm gonna so do that. Thanks. IT looks great. I'll do a different color/designs on each stool.
